Is Russia struggling in Ukraine because of alcohol?

According to the UK Defense Department, the Russian military has suffered significant casualties in Ukraine due to something other than the Western-strengthened Ukrainian military: rampant alcoholism among its troops.

It makes sense: a drunken soldier would be more likely to injure themselves or others with clumsiness, misjudge risks, cause collisions among vehicles, fail to be stealthy, and even be aggressive than is prudent.

Given all these obvious downsides, why do the soldiers continue to drink in a way that at best impairs their effectiveness, and at worst endangers their lives?

The UK government suggests it’s down to a cultural norm in which heavy drinking is accepted as part of military life, even during combat operations.

We thought it was just one more example of the powerful effects of alcohol culture. We absorb certain beliefs about alcohol unconsciously - when it’s appropriate, when it’s needed, what purpose it serves, what type of person enjoys it - from TV, music, movies, news, etc., and fail to question them consciously in light of alcohol’s real effects in our own lives. In this case, the Russian military’s deeply entrenched pro-drinking culture is causing soldiers to ignore the risk to their own safety.

If you’re not a Russian soldier, and you’re working to question alcohol culture and cut back or quit drinking, join us today. Drinker’s Helper is an app that provides motivational exercises, drink tracking and insights into why you drink, and a personalized support group of your peers to help you make needed changes. We believe you can do it!