If your Facebook posts sound like this, you might drink too much...

A new study has found that artificial intelligence is capable of correctly identifying high-risk drinkers based on their Facebook posts.

Over 3500 adults agreed to have their posts analyzed, so there was a pretty good sample size involved. And 75% of the time, the AI program’s decision matched what participants self-disclosed about their own drinking.

Now, some of this isn’t groundbreaking - obviously, those who talk more about alcohol are more likely to be risky drinkers. Religious people who talked about prayer and God were less likely to over-drink. And young people may be more likely to drink at a risky level and also more likely to use slang and talk about partying - both of which were also keywords that identified risky drinkers.

But the intriguing part about the study’s findings to us was the following:

  1. People who expressed negative emotions were more likely to be risky drinkers

  2. People who talked about close relationships, like family, were less likely to be risky drinkers

We’re all more prone to falling into risky drinking behaviors when we’re feeling down, and it shows in how we express ourselves on social media. Moreover, strong connections with others can make a big difference in our emotional bottom lines, reducing our risk of over-drinking.

Here’s the full study if you’re interested in learning more: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/acer.14807.

If you have fallen into a pattern of risky drinking, consider making changes with some support. If you’re looking to cut back or quit drinking, we’d love to help. Drinker’s Helper is an app that provides motivational exercises, drink tracking and insights into why you drink, and a personalized support group of your peers to help you make needed changes. You can try it out for free for a week before joining.

All the best of luck with your goals,

The Drinker’s Helper Team