23 ways to spread holiday cheer without drinking

We know this isn’t strictly related to cutting back or quitting drinking.

But the holidays are a tough time for many, with the stress of family gatherings and financial stress from gift-buying.

If you’re trying to change your drinking, it can be even harder to do so at a social, stressful time when there may be nothing better to do.

So this December 23rd, we thought we’d share 23 ideas for making yourself feel happier during the holidays that involve no alcohol at all. (Feel free to add your suggestions in the comments!)

  1. Make your regular meals low-stress. Make simple dishes like sandwiches or salads for anything but the one big family meal, or allow yourself to order in more than usual. It’s just not worth the stress!

  2. Stay warm. Staying cozy can help you feel safe. Bundle up, even at home. Wear thick socks. Get a blanket you can throw over your knees.

  3. Buy small indulgences. Spring for a candle you wouldn’t normally buy, or an extra string of lights. As long as they don’t cause financial stress, small indulgences can help you get through stressful days.

  4. Watch holiday movies. Most services have a few: HBO has National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and Elf; Hulu has Die Hard and the Grinch, etc. They’re created specifically to make you feel holiday cheer, and they work surprisingly well, even on adults.

  5. Play with your pets. The sense of touch can give you a jolt of serotonin, and their joy is often infectious. If you don’t have one, search for a local cat cafe to get some tea and spend an hour!

  6. Vent to friends if you need to. There should be Zooms and GroupMes just for this purpose. They can also help you realize when you’re putting too much holiday pressure on yourself.

  7. Reward yourself with a daily advent calendar chocolate. Watch out, though - some brands have been recalled recently! (see here).

  8. Escape into a novel, or a historical nonfiction book. Whether you escape to Hogwarts or 14th-century France, you’re outta here!

  9. Look at old family photos. Nostalgia can be a real mood-lifter.

  10. Go big on the apple cinnamon tea. The heat, the zero calories, the health benefits, the sense of safety - it’s hard to beat.

  11. Do the crossword at the end of the day. It’s just a nice, meditative way to settle down before sleeping.

  12. Focus on a friend or family member. If you’re all wrapped up in your own head, it can help to think about someone else’s needs

  13. Blast your music and (if you’re feeling bold) sing along.

  14. Make cookies and have one every day. Cookies are nice because you put in the effort upfront and then have a little treat for a month or so.

  15. Set the bar low. Maybe put one item on your to-do list for the whole day. You’ll probably do more, but even getting that one thing done is success, as far as you’re concerned.

  16. Make a dish you used to eat as a child at the holidays. Nostalgia + good food = happiness.

  17. Work or eat in a different spot than your usual. Just changing things up can help you feel more present.

  18. Do something small that makes you feel organized. For some, that might mean organizing your closet. For others (definitely me), that might mean just doing the dishes, finally! :)

  19. Get out in nature. We all need it; even a few minutes among the trees can give us a sense of peace. Plus, you’ll appreciate the indoor warmth so much more!

  20. Trim your beard, paint your nails, or do something else that makes you feel cute. A little self-esteem boost can work wonders.

  21. Lie down. Whether it’s lying down in bed or just sprawling on the carpet, take a second to just breathe and look at the ceiling.

  22. Buy a poinsettia. Its bright red can bring some serious holiday cheer, and taking care of it will give you something simple and soothing to do regularly.

  23. Mocktail it up. There are amazing holiday punches to be made with frozen lemonade and ginger ale. Find one (here are some suggestions) and enjoy it!

Above all, if you’re working to cut back or quit drinking this holiday season, join us today. Drinker’s Helper is an app that provides motivational exercises, drink tracking and insights into why you drink, and a personalized support group of your peers to help you make needed changes. We believe you can do it!